Some Thoughts by

Gary Ray Branscome



          The great division in America’s churches as well as in its culture is the gulf between those who believe what the Bible says about creation, and those who believe the secular myth of evolution.

          This division is not just a matter of what people profess to believe, because many people are inconsistent in their thinking. For example: instead of believing what the Bible says, many church goers hold compromise views designed to reconcile evolution with the Bible. And, while they see such compromise as unimportant, in reality it subverts their entire worldview, undermines the gospel, and makes it difficult for them to think Biblically. And, that inhibits spiritual growth.


          Since spiritual growth is an important part of our Christian walk, it is important to think Biblically. And to that end, the words, “If you continue in my word, you are truly my [Christ’s] disciples,” tell us that it is impossible for those who do not continue in God’s Word to truly be Christ’s disciples (John 8:31). And, that includes all who look for truth outside of Scripture, and wind up reading unbiblical ideas like evolution into the text. Furthermore, whenever men do read unbiblical ideas into the text of Scripture they wind up conforming their thinking to the world. And, all such conformity is condemned by the words, “Do not be conformed to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2).

The Reason for Starting a Creation Club

          The purpose in having a Creation Club is not to prove the Bible true. We know that the Bible is true! It is to expose and refute the lies that the world uses to attack the Bible and the Christian faith. And we are being lied to! One big lie is the bogus claim that all scientists are in agreement. They are not! There are thousands of scientists who reject evolution, along with the long ages it requires.

          Having refuted those lies, a second benefit of creation club lies in the spiritual growth that accompanies a truly Biblical understanding of all the amazing facets and details of God’s Creation. The more I learn of them, the more amazed I am at the intelligence and power of God.


The Role of a Creation Club

My suggestion for starting a Creation Club, is first to identify those in the congregation who have an interest in Creation, a Biblical worldview, and a willingness to lead or be a part of such a group. What follows are some suggestions as to activities they might then carry out.

          1- Hold regular meetings. At those meetings you might view and discuss a Creation DVD, many of which are available through various Creation Apologetics organizations. Of such organizations: The Creation Research Society is one of the oldest. It is a professional science organization engaged in ongoing research, and all of its members affirm what the Bible says about Creation and the age of the earth. “Answers in Genesis” is perhaps the best known Creation organization. It has built both the Creation Museum and the Ark, and employs a number of Bible believing scientists. Creation Ministries International fields a number of good speakers. Creation Research led by John MacKay has done research around the world, and I recommend John’s DVDs, as well as those by his young coworker, Joseph Hubbard. David Rives leads another Creation ministry, which produces a weekly TV program, as well as the Genesis Science network, which broadcasts Creation centered programs over the internet 24/7.  While there are other good ministries, I have mentioned these specifically because there are some organizations that claim to be Christian but compromise and undermine a Biblical worldview.

          2- If your Creation club subscribes to the publications that those organizations offer, your can make back issues of those publications available to other church members. Back issues can also be given to barbers, doctors and others where they may be displayed in a waiting room. DVDs can also be made available.

3- Your Creation Club might organize trips to the Creation Museum and the Ark, especially for the youth group.

4- It could also work with local Bible believing scientists to organize field trips, so that believers [especially the youth] can see for themselves the evidence for Noah’s flood.

5- From time to time, it could arrange to have Bible Believing scientists speak at your congregation or others in the area, and those talks can be publicized.

6- Your Creation Club can let people know about dinosaur digs, rafting trips down the Grand Canyon, and other activities that are led by Creationists.

7- It can work to publicize Creation websites, and online resources, such as the Genesis Science network.

8- It can also make copies of the Answers in Genesis statement of faith available to everyone in the congregation, and help other congregations start a creation club of their own.

          9- Answers in Genesis offers VBS programs, a home-school curriculum, and resources for Christian schools. A Creation Club could make people aware of these resources.

I am sure that you can come up with other ideas, but these are all thing that need to be done.